Dry Eyes .

What is DRY EYES

Tear helps the eyes to stay moist, healthy and comfortable. A dry eye is a condition that affects the quantity or quality of the tears causing the eyes to feel dry or irritated because of insufficient lubrication.

Why are tears Important?

Tears made by the lacrimal gland are necessary for overall eye health and clear vision. Tears are constantly produced to bathe, nourish & protect the eye surface. They also wash away dirt and debris.

Tears are also produced in response to emergencies such as a particle of dust in the eye, an infection or irritation of the eye or an onset of strong emotions.

Tears are made up of proteins, electrolytes and vitamins that are critical to maintaining the health of the eye surface. They also help protect the eyes from bacteria and other types of infections.

Why Do Eyes Feel Dry?

The layer of the tear film on the eye is constantly thinning & evaporating. Normally this process, known as tear film breakup isn`t a problem. New tears are constantly being produced to maintain the tear film. When a person blinks, it is just the body’s automatic reflex to spread the new tear film across the eyes

The problem arises when the quantity or quality of the tear film changes. If an insufficient amount of tears are produced, there are dry spots that develop on the surface of the eye. These dry spots start making the eye uncomfortable.

Stinging or burning sensation

Stinging or burning sensation

A stringy discharge

A stringy discharge

Difficulty in reading, whilst in some patients near vision will actually improve with hampered distance vision

A stringy discharge

A stringy discharge

Difficulty in reading, whilst in some patients near vision will actually improve with hampered distance vision

A stringy discharge

A stringy discharge

Difficulty in reading, whilst in some patients near vision will actually improve with hampered distance vision

A stringy discharge

A stringy discharge

Difficulty in reading, whilst in some patients near vision will actually improve with hampered distance vision

Gritty Feeling

Gritty Feeling

A sandy or gritty feeling as if something is in the eye

Pain and redness of the eye

Pain and redness of the eye

Pain and redness of the eye

Pain and redness of the eye

Episodes of excess tears

Episodes of excess tears

Episodes of excess tears following very dry eye periods

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

Episodes of blurred vision

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Treatment Although the condition is not curable the symptom of dry eye can improve with treatment.

The primary treatment is the instilation of artificial tears at variable intervals depending upon the severity of the dry eye. Artificial tears are available in the form of eye drops, gels & ointment for night use.

Lubricants: The lubricating eye drops provide relief from the symptoms & are an important replacement for naturally produced tears. Artificial tears are now available in preservative-free formulations which are less toxic to the ocular surface and can be used more frequently and safely.

Immunomodulators: Cyclosporine, an anti-inflammatory medication has been shown to have clinical benefits in the treatment of dry eyes. It decreases the corneal damage and improves the quality of tears thereby reducing the symptoms of dry eye. Similarly, Chloroquine phosphate has also shown similar benefits. Both these medications are available as eye drops which need to be instilled twice a day along with the lubricant for 3-6 months to show beneficial effects. In some severe cases of dry eyes, short term use of corticosteroids eye drops that decrease inflammation is required.

Punctual Plug: These plugs are inserted into the punctum (drainage hole at the inner corner of the eyelids) and help by allowing the natural tears to remain longer in contact with the eye rather than draining out quickly through the punctum. This keeps the limited volume of tears on the eye for a longer time, thereby decreasing the symptoms of dry eye. These plugs are not felt. They are made up of silicone or collagen. They are available in temporary (reversible) or permanent forms.

Supplements: Some studies also show a beneficial effect of dietary supplements such as omega 3 fatty acids & Vitamin D in decreasing the symptoms of dry eyes. Treating eyelid conditions like inflammation or infection of the eyelid margin also benefit the individual.

Why it is important
to treat Dry eyes?

A dry eye can make it more difficult to perform some activities such as using a computer or reading for an extended period of time. It can also decrease tolerance for dry environments such as sitting in an air-conditioned room or an aeroplane for a long time or can make the person more uncomfortable in dry hot climates. In addition inflammation of the surface of the eye may occur along with the dry eye. If left untreated this condition can lead to pain, ulcer or scars on the corneas and some loss of vision. However permanent loss of vision from dry eye is uncommon. Dry eye can also compromise results of cataract & refractive surgery.

What are the Causes for Dry Eye? Risk Factors for Dry Eye?

Medications Side-Effects

It can be a side effect of certain medications, including antihistamines, nasal decongestants, tranquillizers, certain blood pressure medicines, Parkinson’s medicines, birth control pills and antidepressants.


Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane lining of the eyelid, or covering the front part of the eye, or the lacrimal gland. Chronic conjunctivitis can be caused by certain eye diseases, infections, exposure to irritants such as chemical fumes and tobacco smoke, or drafts from air conditioning or heating.

Meibomian glands dysfunction

Diseases of glands in the eyelids, such as Meibomian glands dysfunction can also cause dry eyes

refractive (LASIK) & Cataract Surgery

Dry eye can also develop after a refractive (LASIK) & Cataract Surgery. These symptoms generally last 4 – 6 months but may last longer in some cases.


In some cases Dry eyes can occur in women who are pregnant


Allergies are usually associated with dry eye.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases on or around the eyelid

Contact Lens

Long term contact lens wear

Vitamins Imbalance

Both excessive and insufficient dosage of vitamins

Screen Time

Infrequent blinking, associated with staring at a computer or video screens, coupled with long hours in an A/C environment

Auto immune Disesse

Dry eyes can be associated with autoimmune disorders such as Sjogren`s syndrome, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Hormonal therapy

Women who are on hormone replacement therapy

Thyroid disorder

If the surface area of the eye is increased, as in thyroid disease when the eye protrudes forward or after cosmetic surgery if the eyelids are opened too widely

exposure keratitis,

Dry eye may occur from exposure keratitis, in which the eyelids do not close completely during sleep.

Overview & FAQ

What can you do to aid the treatment?

Use medicine regularly as prescribed

Wear glasses or sunglasses that fit close to the face or have side shields. This can help to slow tear evaporation from the eye surface.

Wear glasses or sunglasses that fit close to the face or have side shields. This can help to slow tear evaporation from the eye surface.

Avoid direct blast of air from AC or fan on the eyes. Likewise while travelling avoid direct blast of air.

Allow the eyes to rest when performing activities (that require the eye to be used for an extended period) like computers, gadgets & screens. Instil lubrication eye drops while performing these tasks.

Increasing the blink frequency also helps the tear film to spread evenly thus decreasing the comfort associated with computer reading.

Indoor use an air cleaner to filter dust & other particles.A humidifier in the room also help by adding moisture in the air